Review: MudMan

cover85007-medium.pngLevi Adams is a soft spoken, middle-aged Mennonite man—at least he tries to be when he’s not murdering people. Levi’s a golem, a Mudman, crafted from the muck, mire, and corpses of a World War II concentration camp—killing is just a part of his DNA. He doesn’t like it, but unfortunately he’s been saddled with a divine commission to dole out judgment on those who shed innocent blood. After seventy years as a cold-blooded murder machine, however, Levi’s trying to change his grisly nature. And the AA meetings and church services are helping. A little. But when he runs across a wounded girl, Sally Ryder, during one of his “hunting expeditions,” he realizes self-help may have to go on the back burner. Someone is attempting to revive a pre-Babylonian murder god, and the road to rebirth is paved with dead bodies. Lots and lots of them. Now, Levi must protect Ryder—the key to an unspeakable resurrection—and defeat a Nazi mage from Levi’s murky past. But the shadowy mage holds a terrible secret about the Mudman’s unorthodox birth, one offering insight into Levi’s morbid compulsion for bloodshed. It’s a secret Levi would pay anything to uncover: maybe even Ryder’s life. If Levi isn’t careful, he may end up turning into the monster he always imagined himself to be.

All right. When I saw the title and cover of MudMan I had absolutely no idea what to expect. But after reading the blurb I at least had to give this a chance because it absolutely sounded unlike anything I’ve read before and that isn’t something that comes along often.

MudMan ended up being a interesting story that never quite went the way I expected it to. The main character Levi has a very dark past and much of the story comes from this same dark place. He’s very much the unlikely hero mentioned on the cover. His story moves along at a quick clip and there were points where I almost needed to put the book down just to take in everything that had happened so far.

There are a lot of great supernatural elements in MudMan as well that touch on some of my favorite superhero type tropes while also consistently adding something new to the mix. Highly recommended.

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